telor is totally awesome place for working! Semoga saya dapat membantu lebih banyak teman.. :)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
ketika anak kulihan bosan melihat tampilan urutan form yang sama..
I found out that the competition is for US only. I didnt read properly. But who care? I just dont agree with them because they allow me to choose the country. Or do you think they asked my hometown? Im still confuse. Hehe.
Below is the screenshot of the form that i want to fill-up this morning. Something silly happened. I just cant understand why people always put "country" below the "state". Then for today case, the state didnt change after i select Malaysia as the country. It still show US. Oh i not eligible for the notebook?
Please Google, im one of you biggest fan (read: not cheerleader). I do critics but thats the way i show my love! :p
I found out that the competition is for US only. I didnt read properly. But who care? I just dont agree with them because they allow me to choose the country. Or do you think they asked my hometown? Im still confuse. Hehe.
Below is the screenshot of the form that i want to fill-up this morning. Something silly happened. I just cant understand why people always put "country" below the "state". Then for today case, the state didnt change after i select Malaysia as the country. It still show US. Oh i not eligible for the notebook?
Please Google, im one of you biggest fan (read: not cheerleader). I do critics but thats the way i show my love! :p
![]() |
can you understand? |
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
ketika anak kuliahan bingung dengan error yang terjadi di google's search tool..
Ok, im pretty surprise about the finding. Google's search tool for custom range not working for certain date. My example shows that Google normal site cant search for result starting from October 10th, 2010 until December 6th.
I think this is weird, because Google secure site perfectly show the result starting October 10th, 2010 until December 6th.
Later on, i found that the error happen in patter. For example month is m, day is d and constraint is c. The error happen if you search the day that equal to constraints, but nothing happen if it more than constraint. What is the rule for the constraints?
c < m
if d = c
swap m, d
show the result
show the right result
Do you see the pattern? I just cant understand why the swap happen. :(
To proof my silly finding, let me show the screenshot of the example. I did it few minutes ago. I hope Google can fix this asap.
My guess: they are doing maintenance, because if i type "Google" in chrome browser it will automatically redirect me to the secure google search page not the normal page.
Few funny facts,
# i found this by accident when i was looking for girl that i admire :p
# i mention this in twitter, but no respond from Ms. Mayer and Google admin.
# i cant find any report/submit problem menu in those very simple+elegant search page.
Hey google (if you put g instead of G, it will consider misspell), i admire you so much!! Please fix this. Hehe.
I think this is weird, because Google secure site perfectly show the result starting October 10th, 2010 until December 6th.
Later on, i found that the error happen in patter. For example month is m, day is d and constraint is c. The error happen if you search the day that equal to constraints, but nothing happen if it more than constraint. What is the rule for the constraints?
c < m
if d = c
swap m, d
show the result
show the right result
Do you see the pattern? I just cant understand why the swap happen. :(
To proof my silly finding, let me show the screenshot of the example. I did it few minutes ago. I hope Google can fix this asap.
My guess: they are doing maintenance, because if i type "Google" in chrome browser it will automatically redirect me to the secure google search page not the normal page.
![]() |
Normal google site, i did nothing |
![]() |
Then i put 10/1/2010 as the date, it should show result starting from October 10th. 2010 |
![]() |
Error happened! :( |
![]() |
This is the google secure search |
![]() |
I was amaze with the calendar, love it! |
![]() |
Perfecto!! :) |
Few funny facts,
# i found this by accident when i was looking for girl that i admire :p
# i mention this in twitter, but no respond from Ms. Mayer and Google admin.
# i cant find any report/submit problem menu in those very simple+elegant search page.
Hey google (if you put g instead of G, it will consider misspell), i admire you so much!! Please fix this. Hehe.
ketika anak kuliahan dengerin just a dream-nya nelly..
I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.
Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road.
When she come back? No one knows.
I realize, yeah, it was only just a dream...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
ketika anak kuliahan lelah berpikir tentang database
Saya memilih tidur.
Itu adalah solusi terbaik. Hehe.
Semalem, tiba-tiba ngebuka catatan ide-ide lama. NoSQL..yang artinya non relational database. Kalo search di internet dan baca dari wikipedia, katanya sih lagi ngetrend. Dari sinilah semuanya bermula. Sedikit baca (seriously, it was really hard reading) tentang BigTable, Dynamo dan akhirnya Cassandra dari Apache.
Oh final exam, semoga cepat berakhir....
Itu adalah solusi terbaik. Hehe.
Semalem, tiba-tiba ngebuka catatan ide-ide lama. NoSQL..yang artinya non relational database. Kalo search di internet dan baca dari wikipedia, katanya sih lagi ngetrend. Dari sinilah semuanya bermula. Sedikit baca (seriously, it was really hard reading) tentang BigTable, Dynamo dan akhirnya Cassandra dari Apache.
Oh final exam, semoga cepat berakhir....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
ketika Seth Godin berbicara tentang unreasonable
Apa bener-bener unreasonable? Atau hanya kita harus melakukannya dengan lebih baik dan berbeda? Karena..well, lebih baik saja is not enough.
------------------- original article -----------------
The paradox of an instant, worldwide, connected marketplace for all goods and services:
All that succeeds is the unreasonable.
You can get my attention if your product is unreasonably well designed, if your preparation is unreasonably over the top, if your customer service is unreasonably attentive and generous and honest. You can earn my business or my recommendation if the build quality is unreasonable for the intended use, if the pricing is unreasonably low or if the experience is unreasonably over-the-top irresistible given the competition.
Want to get into a famous college? You'll need to have unreasonably high grades, impossibly positive recommendations and yes, a life that's balanced. That's totally unreasonable.
The market now expects and demands an unreasonable effort and investment on your part. You don't have to like it for it to be true.
In fact, unreasonable is the new reasonable.
------------------- original article -----------------
The paradox of an instant, worldwide, connected marketplace for all goods and services:
All that succeeds is the unreasonable.
You can get my attention if your product is unreasonably well designed, if your preparation is unreasonably over the top, if your customer service is unreasonably attentive and generous and honest. You can earn my business or my recommendation if the build quality is unreasonable for the intended use, if the pricing is unreasonably low or if the experience is unreasonably over-the-top irresistible given the competition.
Want to get into a famous college? You'll need to have unreasonably high grades, impossibly positive recommendations and yes, a life that's balanced. That's totally unreasonable.
The market now expects and demands an unreasonable effort and investment on your part. You don't have to like it for it to be true.
In fact, unreasonable is the new reasonable.
aha, ternyata..
aha, ternyata sedikit demi sedikit mulai ada jalannya. Boleh saja saya melihat/memandang sesuatu hal yang sama dengan apa yang anda lihat, tetapi saya memikirkannya berbeda. That is the difference kawan!
ketika anak kuliahan berbicara tentang komitmen
ko·mit·men n perjanjian (keterikatan) untuk melakukan sesuatu; kontrak: perkumpulan mahasiswa seharusnya mempunyai -- thd perjuangan reformasi
Oh iya?
Sedikit bercerita tentang komitmen. Saya pelajar bersahaja yang katanya punya komitmen. Ingin ini dan itu pokoknya banyak sekali dech..hufff... (ceritanya ngikutin gaya nulis abg). Tapi hasil yang saya dapatkan jauh dari yang namanya produktif. Bukannya sadar dan memperbaiki diri, malah nambah beban dan nyusahin diri sendir. Malangnya..Hehe.
Tapi sekarang, alhamdulillah.
Menurut saya komitmen itu gak bisa terwujud hanya karena ada keinginan melakukan sesuatu. Cara melakukan sesuatu itu juga penting. Let see kesalahan-kesalahan yang saya perbuat sebelumnya,
1. Memiliki project dengan jangka waktu penyelesaian hitungan bulan.
Wow, sounds great isnt it? Tapi ini adalah kesalahan terfatal yang saya perbuat. Why? Saya orang yang termasuk gak sabaran. Hasil yang cepat dan tepat adalah morfin bagi darah, bensin untuk mobil. Solusinya, milestone di kecilin sehingga initial result bisa di liat sekitar 1 atau 2 minggu maksimal.
1. Memiliki project dengan jangka waktu penyelesaian hitungan bulan.
Wow, sounds great isnt it? Tapi ini adalah kesalahan terfatal yang saya perbuat. Why? Saya orang yang termasuk gak sabaran. Hasil yang cepat dan tepat adalah morfin bagi darah, bensin untuk mobil. Solusinya, milestone di kecilin sehingga initial result bisa di liat sekitar 1 atau 2 minggu maksimal.
2. Maaf (di ikuti aduh), gak ada waktu..gak ada uang..gak ada wanita..gak ada bla, bla, bla...
Inilah second killer komitmen saya yang gak jauh berbahayanya.Tapi juga yang paling saya rasain sekarang efeknya. Constraint atau keterbatasan adalah anugrah. Saya seharusnya mandiri bisa berinovasi walaupun dalam keadaan serba kekurangan. Dari sini pun saya dapat menilai diri saya sendiri, seberapa besar/kuat sih keinginan saya untuk melangkah? Apakah ini hanya sekedar komitmen taik kucing (baca: baunya bentar aja)? Kalau memang komitmen sejati, seharusnya saya gak akan mencoba untuk membuat alasan. Gak ada waktu? Bullshit, potong waktu nonton how i met your mother jadi satu jam dan muali kerjakan project. Permasalahannya, saya hanya tidak menginginkan komitmen itu sepenuh hati. Thats all.
3. Kayanya malam jumat kliwon waktu yang tepat untuk ngoding.
Ketika malam jumat datang, saya malah nongkrong dan akhirnya bangun kesiangan. Waktu yang tepat memang gak akan pernah ada. Do it fuckn' now!
4. Yes, ...
Kenapa sih museum itu layak untuk di kunjungi? Karena museum bukan gudang yang semua barang di masukin. Ada proses pemilihan karya oleh sang kurator. Ini nih yang parah abis, saya keseringan mengatakan 'YA' daripada 'NO'. Banyak ide briliant dan enthusiasm pun lagi tinggi-tingginya..namun itu bisa menjadi jebakan yang mematikan jika saya tidak bisa mengidentifikasikan hal tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang berguna dan implemented. Solusi: tulis, tulis, tulis dan revise saat anda dalam keadaan clear state. iPad aja sukses bukan karena serba ada, tapi karena banyak kurangnya.
Dan bla..bla..bla..
Kalo mau di tulis banyak banget.
Jadi, seberapa besarkah komitmenmu terhadap apa yang telah anda tetapkan? Masih sering buat excuses gak jelas? Belom ngerti kalo menjadi kurator itu penting? dan menunda adalah menyakitkan?
Move your ass kawan..
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
ketika anak kuliahan nunggu bus pulang
sekarang jam setengah sepuluh malem.
saya diam sejenak. pikiran kembali ke beberap minggu yang lalu. ceritanya mah flashback kaya di film. :D
Alhamdulillah, semua ada hikmahnya.
saya diam sejenak. pikiran kembali ke beberap minggu yang lalu. ceritanya mah flashback kaya di film. :D
Alhamdulillah, semua ada hikmahnya.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
"its not funny" change my life
Sepertinya judul di atas gak terlalu berlebihan, thats true. Terkadang saya harus di tampar sedikit (kalo keras entar pingsan) supaya bisa terbangun.
"Its not funny"..saya akan terus mengingatnya. Terima kasih! :)
"Its not funny"..saya akan terus mengingatnya. Terima kasih! :)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Aduh, kacau euy..
Aduh, kacau euy.. :(
Kalo kaya gini terus mah, kapan majunya..., padahal kenyataan dan mimpi sudah jelas terlihat berbeda!
Kalo kaya gini terus mah, kapan majunya..., padahal kenyataan dan mimpi sudah jelas terlihat berbeda!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
2 menit dari sekarang, saya masih duduk, browsing dan lagi baca beberapa berita,
2 jam dari sekarang, planning for painting tomorrow, hell yeah!
2 hari dari sekarang adalah senin, i love monday.
2 minggu dari sekarang artinya semakin dekat dengan ujian akhir semester,
2 bulan dari sekarang adalah liburan semester, looking for $$$!
2 tahun dari sekarang, akankah saya berasil melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang master (di negeri uwak sam)?
tetapi, 2 tahun yang lalu pun banyak hal yang tak terlupakan!!
Itu adalah saat-saat awal saya menjadi mahasiswa di universitas ini.
Itu adalah saat saya mencoba melupakan semuanya dan memulai hidup yang baru di sini.
Itu adalah saat saya mencoba melupakannya dan terus, terus mencoba.. :]
Well, 2 dekade dari sekarang..akankah nama saya tetap ada? Jika ya, semoga saja itu bukan karena saya adalah mantan koruptor terbesar abad ini. Hehe.
2 jam dari sekarang, planning for painting tomorrow, hell yeah!
2 hari dari sekarang adalah senin, i love monday.
2 minggu dari sekarang artinya semakin dekat dengan ujian akhir semester,
2 bulan dari sekarang adalah liburan semester, looking for $$$!
2 tahun dari sekarang, akankah saya berasil melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang master (di negeri uwak sam)?
tetapi, 2 tahun yang lalu pun banyak hal yang tak terlupakan!!
Itu adalah saat-saat awal saya menjadi mahasiswa di universitas ini.
Itu adalah saat saya mencoba melupakan semuanya dan memulai hidup yang baru di sini.
Itu adalah saat saya mencoba melupakannya dan terus, terus mencoba.. :]
Well, 2 dekade dari sekarang..akankah nama saya tetap ada? Jika ya, semoga saja itu bukan karena saya adalah mantan koruptor terbesar abad ini. Hehe.
Monday, October 11, 2010
akhirnya, kusadari..
akhirnya, kusadari..
Kalo saya lemah terhadap pujian, saya terbuai dan tersesat jauh dengan menunda, saya tak dapat lari dari yang namanya perasaan suka, saya sering lupa dengan akhirat yang pasti dan mngutamakan dunia yang without boundaries..yang kejam dan tidak mengenal enough.
Mungkin...suatu hari kamu akan mengerti, karena sekarang saya tak akan lari lagi.
Kalo saya lemah terhadap pujian, saya terbuai dan tersesat jauh dengan menunda, saya tak dapat lari dari yang namanya perasaan suka, saya sering lupa dengan akhirat yang pasti dan mngutamakan dunia yang without boundaries..yang kejam dan tidak mengenal enough.
Mungkin...suatu hari kamu akan mengerti, karena sekarang saya tak akan lari lagi.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
mimpi anak kuliah di tengah malam sebelum tidur..
Saya ingin menjadi lebih dewasa dan membantu lebih banyak orang! :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
the journey to graduation in few coming month.. (part 3)
Scientific citation is influenced, overwhelmingly, by the relevance and importance of a given scholarly work to other scholars in the field. While other factors might have moderate effects, the process of science is driven not by access, but by discovery.
*Craig, I. D., Plume, A. M., McVeigh, M. E., Pringle, J., & Amin, M. (2007).
*Craig, I. D., Plume, A. M., McVeigh, M. E., Pringle, J., & Amin, M. (2007).
the journey to graduation in few coming month.. (part 2)
i had been swimming in the wrong pool of data and forget my focus, now im back and start swimming in the hope-so right pool
Terrible things happened and we must learn from it. Otherwise, life gonna teach you again and again until you understand.
For today, i will narrow my scope on the analysis of their paper publication. It related to bibliometrics, a set of methods used to study or measure texts and information. Citation analysis and content analysis are one of the example. Furthermore, its become very important to understand what kind of assessment method that my university use to assess their research performance? What is their major criteria, based on the quality of the publication or the research grants? Is there any data available? Oh God, the problem start arise when i put my focus and get back to work...and now its really bad because i have been procrastinate so much, sooo much!
Again, i wont give up! Then the melody of Rise Against accompany my noon... :)
Terrible things happened and we must learn from it. Otherwise, life gonna teach you again and again until you understand.
For today, i will narrow my scope on the analysis of their paper publication. It related to bibliometrics, a set of methods used to study or measure texts and information. Citation analysis and content analysis are one of the example. Furthermore, its become very important to understand what kind of assessment method that my university use to assess their research performance? What is their major criteria, based on the quality of the publication or the research grants? Is there any data available? Oh God, the problem start arise when i put my focus and get back to work...and now its really bad because i have been procrastinate so much, sooo much!
Again, i wont give up! Then the melody of Rise Against accompany my noon... :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
the journey to graduation in few coming month.. (part 1)
Finally after some curiosity, anxiety and luck, i decide to focus on topic that involve AI while still can benefit my university. My topic is about classification model development of the research performance in univeristi teknologi Malaysia using artificial neural network.
Well done, but this is the start of the journey to my graduation in next few coming month!! yay :D
Well done, but this is the start of the journey to my graduation in next few coming month!! yay :D
oh god, show me the way..
Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
sekarang saatnya..
Oke, sekarang saatnya untuk bangkit dan berdiri. Sekarang saatnya untuk mengubah dunia! Mulai sekarang, saya akan berteman dengan lebih banyak kegagalan dan terus mencari sahabat kesuksesan.. ;)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bob Gill, an American illustrator and graphic designer said be stimulated by rejection. Yes, he is right! After few rejection happened, i realize that it makes me stronger, better and tougher.
Yet, im still naive..
Yet, im still naive..
Monday, September 20, 2010
salahkah ku bila..
Oh god, what a terrible distraction?!
Padahal assignment, mid-term exam, presentasi, fyp report, jogging, kongkow, push-up, tidur, ke toilet dan seabreg kegiatan lainnya gak boleh terganggu...
Maybe i need painkiller.
Padahal assignment, mid-term exam, presentasi, fyp report, jogging, kongkow, push-up, tidur, ke toilet dan seabreg kegiatan lainnya gak boleh terganggu...
Maybe i need painkiller.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
are you dare to take this challenge?
are you dare to take this challenge?
Amazon Web Service start up challenge,
BSN's Social Venture Challenge,
MSC IHL Business Plan Competition,
Airbus Fly Your Idea Challenge,
More on start up competition in INDONESIA (yes, my beloved country baby!),
Singapore Mini Seedcamp, and
More on social entrepreneurship
do you have any other? post it on comment!
---Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t – you are right
Amazon Web Service start up challenge,
BSN's Social Venture Challenge,
MSC IHL Business Plan Competition,
Airbus Fly Your Idea Challenge,
More on start up competition in INDONESIA (yes, my beloved country baby!),
Singapore Mini Seedcamp, and
More on social entrepreneurship
do you have any other? post it on comment!
---Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t – you are right
mimpi anak kuliah di siang bolong..
Hari ini adalah minggu, tanggal 19 September 2010, sekitar pukul 2 siang dan saya bermimpi di siang bolong. Saya bermimpi tentang pendidikan gratis, kesehatan gratis dan makan gratis. Hehe.
Salahkah? Kan cuman mimpi, gak koar di jalan plus bikin macet dan bakar ban. :)
Salahkah? Kan cuman mimpi, gak koar di jalan plus bikin macet dan bakar ban. :)
hello word
cout << "im faruq!" << endl;
Yes, this is my first post and those are my first line of code long time ago using the first programming language that i learn in university during my first year. It was memorable and i hope this blog can be a good start.
Btw i love drawing and i think writing can be like drawing, a self expression. So, welcome to my blog!
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