
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the journey to graduation in few coming month.. (part 2)

i had been swimming in the wrong pool of data and forget my focus, now im back and start swimming in the hope-so right pool 

Terrible things happened and we must learn from it. Otherwise, life gonna teach you again and again until you understand.
For today, i will narrow my scope on the analysis of their paper publication. It related to bibliometrics, a set of methods used to study or measure texts and information. Citation analysis and content analysis are one of the example. Furthermore, its become very important to understand what kind of assessment method that my university use to assess their research performance? What is their major criteria, based on the quality of the publication or the research grants? Is there any data available? Oh God, the problem start arise when i put my focus and get back to work...and now its really bad because i have been procrastinate so much, sooo much!
Again, i wont give up! Then the melody of Rise Against accompany my noon... :)

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